God’s Big Picture – Jacob, Grace & Favour

February 15, 2015

Bible Text: Genesis 25-35 |


Sermon Notes – Sun 15th Feb 2015 God’s Big Picture – Jacob: Grace & Favour

Key Text: Gen 25 – 35, Gen 28:15, Gen 12:1-3; Gal 3:6-14; Ex 6:7; Rom 9:6-16

Main Points:

üGod has a master plan – demonstrating His sovereignty

üGod engages with us – showing His imminence

üGod works through our imperfections – reflecting His grace

üGod delivers on His promises – proving His faithfulness


  1. Are there circumstances in your life that seem to dominate everything right now? Talk with a Christian friend about how you have seen God working at other times. Thank him for saving you and bringing you into His family.
  2. How could you make space to experience more of God’s presence? Ask a friend to pray with you that you might know his presence in a fresh way.
  3. Are there areas where you feel ineffective because of past disappointment, failure or sin? Ask God to give you a fresh understanding of His Grace and fresh faith for that situation.
  4. Which scriptures can you meditate upon to remind you that God is faithful and keeps His promises? Ask others about their favourite verses.

Further Reading:

Terry Virgo – “God’s Lavish Grace”

Phillip Yancey – “What’s So Amazing About Grace?”

Sermon Topics: